Heidi's First Birthday! {Personal}

February 17, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Our little sunbeam is turning 1 today!  She has been the most perfect addition to our family – we could not have asked for a sweeter, sunnier soul.  Her smiles and playfulness have added incredible joy to our lives for the last year, and watching her personality blossom has been a delight. 

As she starts her second circuit around the sun, I can see Heidi beginning to make the switch from infancy to toddlerhood.  I think this collection of photos actually shows it well.  Her expressions are curious and thoughtful, observing her surroundings and realizing how much there is to explore in this big world.  (Except for a couple Mommy snuggle breaks, I could hardly keep her attention while snapping these photos.  Crunchy grass is SO interesting!)  Last spring and summer, she was too little to engage with the world beyond the safety of my arms.  Now, with a new spring around the corner, I can't wait to watch her start exploring!  Happy first birthday, dear Heidi!  We love you!



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